Valentine’s Day Dinner

31 Jan

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with us and let us delight you with a wonderful 4-course dinner!

4-course dinner $1099.00 MXN / per person.

Inizio Restaurant
February 14th 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm

Ext. 7229/0

Terms and conditions
Prices in Mexican pesos • Prices include taxes and gratuity  • No cash payment accepted • Member discount does not apply  in the All-Inclusive program you will pay 50% for $549 pesos.

Beach warning

22 Dec

Please be aware that the waters on our beach are not
conducive for swimming most of the year. We do have
several swimmable beaches nearby such as Palmilla, Chileno,
Santa María, and Viudas. Please ask the concierge or our front desk
for more information on these great locations.

Por favor tenga en cuenta que el mar de nuestras playas no es apto
para nadar la mayoría del año. Tenemos varias playas cercanas,
aptas para nadar, como Palmilla, Chileno, Santa María y Viudas.
Por favor pregunte en Concierge o en Recepción para obtener más
información sobre estas maravillosas playas.

Recepción Ext: 7229
Concierge Ext: 7320

Pasta & Pizza Night

7 Apr

¡Come and enjoy the best pizzas and pastas at inizio, every tuesday!

$579.00 MXN

$289.00 MXN

Inizio Restaurant
Tuesdays 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Terms and conditions
Price in Mexican pesos and Includes taxes • Price does not include gratuity • Member discount does not apply • Menu is included in the all inclusive program.

Breakfast Buffet

7 Apr

Come and enjoy our breakfast buffet at Inizio Restaurant!

Adults $399 pesos Children $250* pesos

Inizio Restaurant
Daily 7:00 am to 11:30 am

Ext. 7307

Terms and conditions
Prices in Mexican pesos and include taxes • Prices do not include gratuity • No cash payment accepted • Member discount applies • Included in the all-inclusive program • This price is for children 4 to 11 years old.

Grill Buffet

7 Apr

Join us with a delicious grill buffet!

Adults $745.00 MXN
Children $375.00* MXN

Inizio Restaurant
Every Friday 6:00 pm to 10:30 pm

Ext. 7307

Terms and conditions
Prices in Mexican pesos and include taxes • Prices do not include gratuity • No cash payment accepted • Member discount does not apply • Included in the all-inclusive program • This price is for children 4 to 11 years old.

Fitness Center

10 Aug

Fitness Center – Now Open!

Join us at our new fitness center featuring cardio equipment such as treadmills, elliptical machines, and indoor bikes, strength training machines for the whole body, and free weights.

Location: 1st floor on the east end of Building D

Low Season Hours: 7am – 3pm; closed on Sundays

Contact: ext. 7319 or [email protected]

Room Service Special!

13 May

¡2×1 House Pizzas!

For only $399.00 MXN

Room service
Tuesdays 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Ext. 7307/0/7279

Terms and conditions
Price in Mexican pesos •  Includes taxes and gratuity  • No cash payment accepted • Member discount does not apply • Not included in the all-inclusive program.

Tequila tasting

31 Mar

¡Get ready to spice up your vacation with our upcoming tequila tasting event!

$315.00 MXN per person

Magic Breeze
Wednesdays at 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Additional tequilas available at normal cost at Magic Breeze